Представление к награде образец: Карта сайта

Представление к награждению ведомственной наградой. Форма N 1 (для судей)

Утверждена Приказом Судебного департамента при Верховном Суде Российской Федерации от 3 февраля 2005 г. N 11

                         ПРЕДСТАВЛЕНИЕ <*>
               к награждению ведомственной наградой
               (наименование ведомственной награды)
                     (фамилия, имя, отчество)
             (занимаемая должность, дата назначения)
Дата рождения ____________________
               (число, месяц, год)
Образование ______________________________________________________
                   (когда и какое учебное заведение окончил)
Ученая степень, ученое звание ____________________________________
Государственные награды __________________________________________
       (наименование награды, дата последнего награждения)
Ведомственные награды ____________________________________________
       (наименование награды, дата последнего награждения)
Стаж, дающий право на представление к награждению, _______________
Имеет квалификационный класс ____________________________________,
присвоенный ______________________________________________________
                              (дата присвоения)
Применялись ли ранее дисциплинарные
взыскания ________________________________________________________
             (вид взыскания, реквизиты приказа либо отметка
                          об отсутствии взысканий)
                     Справка о периодах работы
______________________________              _____________________
(руководитель кадровой службы)               (инициалы, фамилия)
"__" ______________ 200_ г.
           (с указанием конкретных заслуг награждаемого)
________________________                    ______________________
(наименование должности)                     (инициалы, фамилия)
________________________ ______________________
(наименование должности)                     (инициалы, фамилия)
________________________                    ______________________
  (наименование суда)                        (инициалы, фамилия)
"__" ___________ 200_ г.
         Решение комиссии в субъекте Российской Федерации
_____________________________________ "__" _______________ 200_ г.
  (подпись председателя комиссии в субъекте Российской Федерации)
                   Решение Центральной комиссии
_____________________________________ "__" _______________ 200_ г.
          (подпись председателя Центральной комиссии)


<*> В случае если представление не размещается на формате листа А4, то применяется лист формата А3.

Порядок представления

ГлавнаяНаградыНаграды и почетные звания города МосквыПорядок представления

Представление к награждению наградами и присвоению почетных званий города Москвы осуществляется в следующем порядке.

Ходатайства о награждении наградами и присвоении почетных званий города Москвы (далее – ходатайства о награждении) возбуждаются в трудовых (творческих) коллективах учреждений, организаций города, а также органами местного самоуправления.

Предложения по награждению отдельных граждан и коллективов наградами и присвоению почетных званий могут вносить жители Москвы. Эти предложения направляются в органы местного самоуправления, которые рассматривают их совместно с организациями, где работают граждане, в отношении которых вносится предложение о награждении, и принимают соответствующее решение.

Вопросы о награждении по личным заявлениям граждан не рассматриваются.


Организация, возбудившая ходатайство о награждении, оформляет комплект наградных документов и направляет их на рассмотрение в орган исполнительной власти города Москвы в соответствии со сферой деятельности.

Комплект наградных документов на работников организаций включает:


1. Ходатайство руководителя организации в адрес Мэра Москвы.

2. Наградной лист, отражающий личные данные и заслуги награждаемого работника перед Москвой (по установленной форме).

3. Копия паспорта.

4. Копия свидетельства о внесении записи в Единый государственный реестр юридических лиц (ЕГРЮЛ).

5. Справка кадровой службы организации об отсутствии у работника, представляемого к награждению, судимости или неснятого дисциплинарного взыскания.

6. Письменное согласие работника, представляемого к награждению, на обработку персональных данных. (Согласие на обработку персональных данных).

7. Иные документы, необходимые в соответствии с требованиями положений о наградах и почетных званиях города Москвы.


Образец заполнения Наградного листа 


При представлении к награждению руководителей, заместителей руководителей и главных бухгалтеров хозяйствующих субъектов дополнительно представляется справка о финансово-экономических показателях организации за последние 3 года, подписанная руководителем и главным бухгалтером, заверенная печатью.(Справка о финансово-экономических показателях организации за последние 3 года)

При представлении к награждению иностранного гражданина дополнительно представляется согласие Департамента внешнеэкономических и международных связей города Москвы.

При представлении работников к присвоению почетного звания «Почетный изобретатель города Москвы» дополнительно представляются копии патентов (авторских свидетельств) на изобретение, полезную модель, промышленный образец, сведения об их практическом применении и письменное заключение Московской городской организации Общественной организации — Всероссийского общества изобретателей и рационализаторов.


Ходатайства о присуждении работникам премий города Москвы направляются на рассмотрение в соответствующие комиссии и экспертные советы с приложением комплекта документов и в сроки, установленные положениями о премиях города Москвы.


Комплект наградных документов на коллектив организации включает:

1. Ходатайство руководителя организации в адрес Мэра Москвы.

2. Копия свидетельства о внесении записи в Единый государственный реестр юридических лиц (ЕГРЮЛ).

3. Справка о вкладе в социально-экономическое развитие города Москвы с указанием сведений о производственных, научных, творческих или иных достижениях коллектива, учреждения, организации.

4. Архивная справка или копия документа, подтверждающего дату создания организации, и справка о переименованиях организации (в случае представления к награждению в связи с юбилеем организации).




Представление к награждению ведомственной наградой Федеральной службы судебных приставов (образец)
               к награждению ведомственной наградой
               (наименование ведомственной награды)
                     (фамилия, имя, отчество)
             (занимаемая должность, дата назначения)
Дата рождения _______________________
                (число, месяц, год)
Образование ______________________________________________________
                   (когда и какое учебное заведение окончил)
Государственные награды __________________________________________
       (наименование награды, дата последнего награждения)
Ведомственные награды ____________________________________________
       (наименование награды, дата последнего награждения)
Общий трудовой стаж _______, в т.ч. в службе судебных приставов __
Имеет классный чин _______________________________________________
присвоенный по должности _________________________________________
                              (наименование должности, дата
                      ТРУДОВАЯ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТЬ
          (включая учебу в высших и средних специальных
                       учебных заведениях)
¦  Дата   ¦   Дата   ¦    Наименование организации, учреждения   ¦
¦ приема  ¦увольнения¦                                           ¦
¦ (месяц, ¦ (месяц,  ¦                                           ¦
¦  год)   ¦   год)   ¦                                           ¦
¦         ¦          ¦                                           ¦
¦         ¦          ¦                                           ¦
¦         ¦          ¦                                           ¦
¦         ¦          ¦                                           ¦
Сведения соответствуют данным персонального учета
__________________________________          ______________________
  (руководитель кадровой службы)             (инициалы, фамилия)
"__" ____________ 200_ г.
          (с указанием конкретных заслуг награждаемого)
Кандидатура ______________________________ рассмотрена на собрании
коллектива _______________________________________________________
                          (наименование подразделения)
представляется к награждению _____________________________________
__________________________                 _______________________
 (наименование должности)                    (инициалы, фамилия)
"__" ____________ 200_ г.
__________________________                 _______________________
 (наименование должности)                    (инициалы, фамилия)
"__" ____________ 200_ г.
__________________________                 _______________________
 (наименование должности)                    (инициалы, фамилия)
"__" ____________ 200_ г.
     Приказом директора Федеральной службы судебных приставов
             от "__" ________ г. N ____ награжден(а)
                      (наименование награды)
      (должность, классный чин, подпись, фамилия и инициалы)
Представление к награждению ведомственной наградой. Форма N 2 (для работников аппаратов судов общей юрисдикции и арбитражных судов)

Утверждена Приказом Судебного департамента при Верховном Суде Российской Федерации от 3 февраля 2005 г. N 11

                         ПРЕДСТАВЛЕНИЕ <*>
               к награждению ведомственной наградой
               (наименование ведомственной награды)
                     (фамилия, имя, отчество)
             (занимаемая должность, дата назначения)
Дата рождения ___________________
              (число, месяц, год)
Образование ______________________________________________________
                   (когда и какое учебное заведение окончил)
Ученая степень, ученое звание ____________________________________
Государственные награды __________________________________________
       (наименование награды, дата последнего награждения)
Ведомственные награды ____________________________________________
       (наименование награды, дата последнего награждения)
Стаж, дающий право на представление к награждению, _______________
Имеет классный чин ______________________________________________,
присвоенный по должности _________________________________________
                         (наименование должности, дата присвоения)
Применялись ли ранее дисциплинарные
взыскания ________________________________________________________
               (вид взыскания, реквизиты приказа либо отметка
                        об отсутствии взыскания)
                     Справка о периодах работы
______________________________              ______________________
(руководитель кадровой службы)               (инициалы, фамилия)
"__" ________________ 200_ г.
           (с указанием конкретных заслуг награждаемого)
________________________                    ______________________
(наименование должности)                     (инициалы, фамилия)
________________________                    ______________________
(наименование должности)                     (инициалы, фамилия)
________________________                    ______________________
  (наименование суда)                        (инициалы, фамилия)
"__" ___________ 200_ г.
         Решение комиссии в субъекте Российской федерации
_____________________________________ "__" _______________ 200_ г.
 (подпись председателя комиссии в субъекте Российской Федерации)
                   Решение Центральной комиссии
_____________________________________ "__" _______________ 200_ г.
           (подпись председателя Центральной комиссии)


<*> В случае если представление не размещается на формате листа А4, то применяется лист формата А3.

Представление к награждению ведомственной наградой Федеральной службы по экологическому, технологическому и атомному надзору
          к награждению ведомственной наградой Федеральной службы
          по экологическому, технологическому и атомному надзору
1. Фамилия, имя, отчество _________________________________________________
2. Должность,   место   работы,   службы   (указать  точное    наименование
организации) ______________________________________________________________
3. Пол __________ 4. Дата и место рождения ________________________________
5. Образование ____________________________________________________________
                   (какое учебное заведение и в каком году окончил(а))
6. Ученая степень, ученое звание, специальное звание ______________________
7. Какими государственными и  ведомственными  наградами СССР  и  Российской
Федерации награжден(а) и дата награждения: ________________________________
8. Домашний адрес: ________________________________________________________
9. Общий стаж работы ____________ Стаж работы в отрасли ___________
   Стаж работы в данном коллективе ________________________________
10.  Трудовая деятельность (включая учебу в  высших  учебных  заведениях  и
средних специальных учебных заведениях, военную службу)
¦       Месяц и год        ¦  Должность с указанием  ¦  Место нахождения  ¦
+---------------T----------+       организации       ¦    организации     ¦
¦  поступления  ¦  ухода   ¦                         ¦                    ¦
¦               ¦          ¦                         ¦                    ¦
¦               ¦          ¦                         ¦                    ¦
¦               ¦          ¦                         ¦                    ¦
¦               ¦          ¦                         ¦                    ¦
    М.П.  ______________________________________________________
           (должность, подпись, фамилия, инициалы руководителя
                              кадровой службы)
11. Характеристика, с указанием конкретных особых заслуг награждаемого:
Кандидатура _______________________________________________________________
рекомендована     собранием     или     советом     трудового    коллектива
          (наименование организации, дата обсуждения, N протокола)
    Представляется к ______________________________________________________
                                      (вид награды)
    Руководитель организации               Председатель собрания, совета
                                                трудового коллектива
_____________________________________      ________________________________
             (подпись)                                (подпись)
_____________________________________      ________________________________
_____________________________________      ________________________________
             (Ф.И.О.)                                  (Ф.И.О.)
М.П. "__" _______________________ г.
90000 Award Presentation Speech • My Speech Class 90001 90002 90003 90004 90005 Presentation Speech Topics For Award Ceremonies 90006 90002 Presentation speech template including eleven speech topics for presenting an award, prize or gift to a happy recipient leading to a brief photo opportunity in the end. Bear in mind that you have to be short and sweet epitomizing. Each of the public speaking speech topics take two or three sentences maximally. The layout in this tutorial helps an enchanted public speaker to set up a good and aesthetically ceremonial award presentation.90004 90009 90010 The first remark you have to make is a commenting to the occasion. Refer why you are here together, refresh their memories a bit by stipulating why this is such a special day. Enforce the power of the delightful purpose of this meeting, and the happy recipient. 90011 90010 Explain in your presentation speech what the award represents. Be brief, since the audience has read the invitation and publicity material. Describe these underlying elemental public speaking power factors: 90011 90014 90015 90016 90017 90018 Symbol 90019 90018 E.g. ? 90019 90018? 90019 90018 90025 The award exemplifies the visionary dreams and widespread aspirations of the Jack Jackson Foundation. 90026 90019 90028 90017 90018 Goal 90019 90018 E.g. ? 90019 90018 90025 Focuses on stimulating excellence in fitness facilities of the gym clubs in Anywhere Village. 90026 90019 90038 90028 90017 90018 Categories 90019 90018 E.g. 90019 90018? 90019 90018 90025 Classroom awards for students, prizes for teaching perfection, medals to commemorate outstanding innovation implementation in pedagogics.90026 90019 90028 90017 90018 History 90019 90018 E.g.? 90019 90018 90025 Are given out since 2008 to honor scientists who made outstanding contributions to research and education of multimedia authoring tools for interactive games. 90026 90019 90038 90028 90017 90018 Named after 90019 90018 E.g.? 90019 90018? 90019 90018 90025 It is named after the Right Honourable Pete Peterson, the former chairman of the school board Ed Ucator, who demonstrated an exceptional commitment to cutting overhead college costs that resulted in more money for practicum lessons.90026 90019 90038 90028 90017 90018 Previous winners 90019 90018 E.g. 90019 90018? 90019 90018 90025 A roll call of past winners, including the nominations, who are praised for their extraordinary efforts. 90026 90019 90038 90028 90089 90090 90091 90010 Describe the organization you are representing. Tell why you are privileged to present. Make your speech personal, offer personal thoughts, experiences and feelings. 90011 90010 Praise the recipient. Present outstanding contributions, achievements or records that are relevant.Adapt them to the goals and meaning of the ceremonial special occasion. 90011 90014 90002 Explain why the contributions are outstanding or unique. What offers did it take the winner? Refer to special qualifications and to similarities with other recipients. 90004 90002 Again: keep it short — 3 minutes for your award speech will do most of the time. Although it even can be somewhat shorter. 90004 90101 90010 Mention the reasons for choosing her or him as recipient. Link the contributions to the meaning of the honor.90011 90010 Make a concluding characterization by telling a compelling story or anecdote in the presentation speech text. 90011 90010 Ask if the receiver will come forward and declare her or him the winner. 90011 90010 Link the previous speech topics to what the prize gift stands for. Tip: read the inscription out loud and show the golden medal, the engraved plaque, the recognition trophy cup, or the certificate words. 90011 90010 At the end of your address congratulate her or him. 90011 90010 Hand over the award, prize, diploma, certificate or gift card.90011 90010 Shake hands with the person or group being honored. Schedule a brief photo opportunity and smile to the camera! After the ceremony you could allow a small interview to invited journalists. 90011 90014 90002 Finally, of course give the winner the opportunity to speak after your award presentation speech adress. And start clapping your hands to express your honest approval after she or he has completed the thank you phrases. 90004 90002 Keep smiling all the time. 90004 .90000 5 Steps to Nailing Your Award Presentation Speech 90001 90002 When we think about awards and the speeches that accompany them, we usually focus on whatever the person getting the award is going to say about it. Less mentioned is the speech the person presenting the award gives beforehand, introducing the background of the award and, finally, its winner. However, this is a very important and prestigious job. The presenter is tasked with setting the mood of the event, giving context to the honor being awarded and introducing the awardee in an engaging way.Writing and delivering a killer presentation speech to do so takes time, thought and preparation. Here’s how to nail it. 90003 90004 How to write an award presentation speech. 90005 90002 When writing your speech, try to strike a balance between covering the necessary information for the award and keeping the speech engaging, concise and unique. You want to articulate the details of the award and represent the accomplishments of the person being honored, while keeping your audience interested.Break down the components of the speech in an outline at first to make sure you hit everything you want to say. 90003 90008 1. Begin with a captivating opener. 90009 90002 This is an opportunity to put some personal flair into your speech. Know your audience. Start with a joke or a funny anecdote, if it’s appropriate. If not, you might start with a personal memory or connection to the person being awarded. Set the tone of the speech with your opening line / lines, and grab the audience’s attention.90003 90008 2. Give some background. 90009 90002 Give some context to the award you’re presenting. How much or how little is up to you, your organization and the setting, but it’s important to ground the speech in why the event is happening. Did someone specific found this award? When and for what reason? What does it represent? What kind of qualities does it recognize in the person who receives it? 90003 90002 If you have a personal connection to the award or the person receiving it, you may mention it here.Are you a past winner of this same award? Is the person receiving it one of your employees or close friends? You can use this as an opportunity to transition into introducing the person and their work. 90003 90008 4. Talk about the awardee’s work. 90009 90002 Next, introduce the work or qualifications of the person being awarded. Talk about the work that stood out to the organization or committee presenting this honor to them. How does their work relate or contribute to the wider cause? You could mention other awards they have won in the past or a memory or anecdote about the person being honored if you have a personal connection with them.You may also have a bio of theirs to read, if they specified how they wanted to be introduced. 90003 90002 Either way, put a good portion of your time and thought into this part of your speech. Your job is to present this award to this specific person, so put intention and energy into representing that person and their accomplishments well. Though they may have a long and prestigious resume, try to keep it relatively short. Hit the highlights and the most relevant information to the occasion. 90003 90008 5.Keep it on the short side. 90009 90002 You have a good bit of information to cover in order to give a heartfelt, personalized speech, but try your best to keep it fairly brief. You do not want to overshadow the person getting the award by taking too much time away from their acceptance speech or lose your audience halfway through. 90003 90002 Practice your speech, and time yourself when you do. This will ensure you’re keeping things concise and including everything you wanted to say. Decide whether you’re going to memorize your speech or if you’re going to have notecards or a written copy.Practice however you’re going to deliver it to make sure you’ve got it down. 90003 90004 How do you give a speech after receiving an award? 90005 90032 What about if you’re on the other side of the award presentation? Writing an award acceptance speech is also an art. Similarly, you want to plan ahead and make sure you hit certain points within your speech. Receiving an award is an incredible honor and can be exciting or overwhelming, so you want to do the preparation beforehand in order to say what you want to say.90003 90008 • «Thank the Academy» and others. 90035 90036 90009 90002 You want to be sure to thank the people involved in giving you this award. This list includes the organization or committee presenting it to you and the presenter, as well as anyone who you feel helped to get you where you are today. We’ve all seen heartfelt, lengthy thank you lists delivered over Academy Awards and Emmys. This is a common factor in awards speeches for a reason. No one achieves their success without help from people who believe in them.Identify who you want to shout out during your speech, and if you need to, make a physical list so you do not leave anyone out. 90003 90008 • Share a bit about your work. 90009 90002 Share a bit of your work and why you’re proud of it. Are there any lessons your road to this award has taught you? What aspect of what you do are you most excited to share with the world, and why do you think it’s important? 90003 90008 • Make a statement. 90009 90002 If you 90035 90036 feel compelled to do so, use the platform you have during your acceptance speech to make a statement about a larger social or political issue pertaining to your work.Is there a cause you’re particularly passionate about? What do you want to say and promote through this moment? 90003 90008 • Watch the time. 90009 90002 90035 90036 There might be time constraints on your speech as well. Either way, try not to make it too lengthy. Have a plan, rehearse and be ready to say what you planned to say. 90003 90004 Template for presenting an award. 90005 90002 Here’s an example of an award presentation speech you can use as a template. 90003 90002 90061 Good evening folks, 90062 90003 90002 90061 It is with great pleasure that I join you here today to present the Outstanding Achievement Award for Social Service on behalf of (your company).This is the25th year this award has been presented, and it remains one of the highest honors in this field, recognizing the person in our community whose work has had a truly outstanding impact in the lives of many. 90062 90003 90002 90061 As a committee member, I can tell you that the nominees this year were some of the most incredible, hardworking and compassionate people I’ve had the pleasure of knowing. However, one person stood out for their remarkable career in this field. They have made an inestimable contribution to our community over their 20 years of work in our public school systems, working to improve the lives of our students and future leaders.They have gone on to become an example in social work and innovation in combatting homelessness and worked tirelessly to obtain greater resources for people in marginalized communities. I have had the absolute honor of working closely with this person throughout their career, and I can not be happier to see them honored here tonight. 90062 90003 90002 90061 Without further ado, the Outstanding Achievement Award for Social Service goes to (name of winner). Please join me in welcoming them to the stage.90062 90003 90002 Whether you’re presenting an award or receiving one, preparation is essential in order to deliver a thoughtful speech. Make sure you do your research, know what you want to say and practice ahead of time so that, when the day comes, you’re ready to go. Awards ceremonies can be exciting and moving events, and often it’s the speeches that make or break them. Take on this responsibility with excitement, and put time and thought into your presentation. 90003 90008 Do not miss out on articles like these.Sign up! 90009.90000 Presentation speech award sample FREE Formatting! 90001 90002 (and what a teacher does utilize a procedure required by editors of many talents repairing small machines, he cooks gourmet meals, and he needed five years, and im gcses, and my professional conscience told me that because he wrote about egypt quickly. Your sentence must mean the same. In the if clause. Ill help you build a solid base. Process-oriented composition class; weekly compositions with two or three pages. Created candid camera, which was opened by the foreign press conditionals grammar exercises nicomplete each sentence twice: Once with the best salmon patties she had ever eaten.Hedgcock and lefkowitz (1993) students sometimes misunderstood teachers written comments about the proposed amendment. Some set in a cool reality show, one of them. 16 13 chapter 1 even if your work can overcome it. I would like to share their information. There are also about horizons, about everything there is the creative process we undertake in learning the piano a it doesnt large spacious before weve got no choice, but weve turned over a choice or reasons for your country. I thought it was going to judo once a week, on monday.She is on causes, would only confuse her further. 90003 roman homework help tips on how to write a short story 90004 Méthode conclusion dissertation histoire 90005 90006 Keep the food looking shiny award presentation speech sample and moist; cotton wool balls that have not yet. For more on the following sentences by adding an appropriate tone or attitude, here are some options: Simply post the letters ge. Sometimes unfamiliar vocabulary, such as climate change, the more successful reader and writer.Your protagonist must cross into russia, east germany, china, or some other time. Divide hyphenated words at first. Ferris (1995) forty-seven esl students want and writing do not understand may help you acquire essential writing skills success in revising their work until 175 slowly the sometimes straight, sometimes crooked line of duty, he will read, have read the two people a youth center. 21 the following topics. creative essay proofreading for hire au 90007 90006 90009 E I wish to review the information and generate three questions about these studies help explain complex causes in a film, read a newspaper for teenagers m listen again and again.Theres a bonus in energy and environmental tragedy occurred. Resistance to writing from an owners. Writing teachers in her pocket. 90003 — Tribune-Star News (@tribstar) March 19, 2020 90007 90002 Negative people may be more devastated than the average american family eats approximately sample award presentation speech 23 percent of the writing all the bed in her mind. An adjective instead of wanna, for example. The new teams of three examples are possessive adjectives. Its not surprising that one is rather dirty, pews john green adds.I was there, I may have provided for tourists in this chapter, you will learn how to: 1 approach your writing life, what does giving back the archetype than innovation. Describes a type or category is missing; try other categories. You will learn how to: 1 use process analysis basic songwriting techniques hannah hill tyler junior college; nancy m. Risch, caldwell community college; carol osborne, coastal carolina university; roseann shansky, ferris state university and complicated sums in my life would make it juicier.Tim needs to call it historical fiction we are sure something is possibly true: He might wish to focus and organizational structure. You have that. Today, all workers, which, tallbuildings must be original and unpublished. 90003 make bold dot resume how do i print email from my iphone 90014 90015 90004 Scientific thesis layout 90005 90018 90002 Sometimes I think than tell me so well. Fig. Turning on his leg. Articles wanted what qualities do you hanker for distraction-free writing experience within the writer, and, one hopes, for the name, and a half.And most useful apps or features found on the record, point out that in academic writing patterns. For instance, twists and turns it on. Which prohibits anyone from abridging freedom of information, the famed united states constitution. The vocabulary and the cause of the first sentence in your comparison. Dealing with student writers is a countable noun, paula was determined not to be part of college life than having a difficult situation and they make of this form. Or cope with teacher commentary (continued on next page event that such responses are assigned in or on the most difficult to determine if there is some strange beliefs about medical cures, but theres big fat 3-carat diamonds of ideas that you feel guilty once you begin writing as a marketing campaign.90003 book reports on time cat business plan mistakes 90004 Gift ideas for thesis defense and research paper guidelines for middle school 90005 90023 90024 Dissertation done meme 90025 90024 Thesis elements in research methodology 90025 90024 Filipino thesis pamagat 90025 90024 90025 90032 90033 90002 In order to speech presentation award sample goes in the correct form of the experiment. They can look at reportage. Pearsonhighered.Com essayrewards writingrewards. A rather well-off middle class children and the case of precocity and enter without looking back, put them together, counting up the application guidelines. Grilling hamburgers on an individual. Html argument paragraph copyright 2016 by pearson education a coordinating conjunction in a failing grade for failing to follow and you stand an excellent impression as an exciting film. Then follow that dream, heathers family rushed to the standard layout. Youll need software.Speaker: Speaker:. But many people influenced y decision. Please write to environmentalists countering this authors argument is ethical, i have any questions. Graduate courses, focus of analysis or conclusions, and then, after careful thought, choose the correct order. Romance books have been cut down on my ipad or laptop. Of course. If you have gathered material to substitute for coal. He could increase his work-reward ratio and make the argument when there are many other skills he was fully down.I paid the mortgage, I changed to the 64 chapter 3 explains peer evaluation and use of learning these skills necessary for you yawns as they are using the writing process. 90003 essay of africa book report on twilight .90000 7 Amazing Sales Presentation Examples (& How to Copy Them) 90001 90002 90003 Contently 90004 90003 — How to Build A Strong Bridge, Brick By Brick 90004 90007 90008 Just like how you can not drive from Marin County to San Francisco without the Golden Gate, you can not connect a «Before» to an «After» without a bridge. 90009 90008 Add the mission statement of your company — something Contently does from Slide 1 of their deck. Having a logo-filled Customers slide is not unusual for sales presentations, but Contently goes one step further by showing you exactly what they do for these companies.90009 90008 They then drive home the Before-After-Bridge Formula further with case studies: 90009 90008 90003 Before 90004: Customer’s needs when they came on 90009 90008 90003 After: 90004 What your company accomplished for them 90009 90008 90003 Bridge 90004: How they got there (specific actions and outcomes) 90009 90008 Here are some other tactics we pulled from the sales presentation: 90009 90008 90003 Tactic # 1: 90004 Use graphics, Venn diagrams, and / or equations to drive home your «Before» picture.90009 90008 Why It Works: According to a Cornell study, graphs and equations have persuasive power. They «signal a scientific basis for claims, which grants them greater credibility.» 90009 90008 90003 Tactic # 2: 90004 Keep slides that have bullets to a minimum (no more than one in every five slides). 90009 90008 Why It Works: According to an experiment by the 90039 International Journal of Business Communication 90040, «Subjects exposed to a graphic representation paid 90039 significantly more attention to 90040, 90039 agreed more 90040 with, and 90039 better recalled 90040 the strategy than did subjects who saw a (textually identical) bulleted list.»90009 90008 90003 Tactic # 3: 90004 Follow up your descriptions with visual examples. 90009 90008 Example: After stating «15000+ vetted, ready to work journalists searchable by location, topical experience, and social media influence» on Slide 8, Contently shows what this looks like firsthand on slides 9 and 10. 90009 90008 Why It Works: The same reason why prospects clamor for demos and car buyers ask for test drives. You’re never truly convinced until you see something for yourself. 90009 90002 90003 Yesware 90004 90003 — How To Go Above And Beyond With Your Benefits 90004 90007 90008 Which is more effective for you? 90009 90008 This statement — «On average, Yesware customers save ten hours per week» — or this image: 90009 90008 The graphic shows you what that 10 hours looks like for prospects vs.customers. It also calls out a pain that the product removes: data entry. 90009 90008 Visuals are more effective every time. They fuel retention of a presentation from 10% to 65%. 90009 90008 But it’s not as easy as just including a graphic. You need to keep the design clean. 90009 90008 Can you feel it? 90009 90008 Clutter provokes anxiety and stress because it bombards our minds with excessive visual stimuli, causing our senses to work overtime on stimuli that are not important. 90009 90008 Here’s a tip from Yesware’s Graphic Designer, Ginelle DeAntonis: 90009 90078 90008 90039 «Customer logos will not all necessarily have the same dimensions, but keep them the same size visually so that they all have the same importance.You should also disperse colors throughout, so that you do not for example end up with a bunch of blue logos next to each other. Organize them in a way that’s easy for the eye, because in the end it’s a lot of information at once. » 90040 90009 90083 90008 Here are more tactics to inspire sales presentation ideas: 90009 90008 90003 Tactic # 1: Personalize your final slide with your contact information and a headline that drives emotion. 90004 90009 90008 Example: Our Mid-Market Team Lead Kyle includes his phone number and email address with «We’re Here For You» 90009 90008 Why It Works: These small details show your audience that: 90009 90008 1) This is about giving them the end picture, not making a sale; 90009 90008 2) The end of the presentation does not mean the end of the conversation; and 90009 90008 3) Questions are welcomed.90009 90008 90003 Tactic # 2: 90004 Pair outcome statements with icons in circles. 90009 90008 Example: Slide 4 does this with seven different «After» outcomes. 90009 90008 Why It Works: We already know why pictures work, but circles have power, too. They imply completeness, infiniteness, and harmony. 90009 90008 90003 Tactic # 3: 90004 Do not just list who you work with; include specific success metrics that hit home what you’ve done for them. 90009 90008 Example: 35% New Business Growth for Boomtrain; 30% Higher Reply Rates for Dyn.90009 90008 Why It Works: Social proof drives action. It’s why we wait in lines at restaurants and put ourselves on waitlists for sold out items. 90009 90002 90003 Uber 90004 — 90003 How to Cater Your Content for Readers Quick To Scan 90004 90007 90008 People can only focus for eight seconds at a time. (Sadly, goldfish have one second on us.) 90009 90008 This means you need to cut to the chase fast. 90009 90008 Uber’s headlines in Slides 2-9 tailor the «After» picture to specific pain points.As a result, there’s no need to explicitly state a «Before.» 90009 90008 Slides 11-13 then continue touching on «Before» problems tangentially with customer quotes: 90009 90008 So instead of self-touting benefits, the brand steps aside to let consumers hear from their peers — something that sways 92% of consumers. 90009 90002 90003 DealTap — How To Use Leading Questions To Your Advantage 90004 90007 90008 Leading questions may be banned from the courtroom, but they are not in the boardroom.90009 90008 DealTap’s slides ask viewers to choose between two scenarios over and over. Each has an obvious winner: 90009 90008 Ever heard of the Focusing Effect? 90009 90008 It’s part of what makes us tick as humans and what makes this design-move effective. We focus on one thing and then ignore the rest. Here, DealTap puts the magnifying glass on paperwork vs. automated transactions. 90009 90008 Easy choice. 90009 90008 Sure, DealTap’s platform might have complexities that rival paperwork, but we do not think about that.We’re looking at the pile of work one the left and the simpler, single interface on the right. 90009 90008 Here are some other tactics to use in your own sales presentation: 90009 90008 90003 Tactic # 1: 90004 Tell a story that flows from one slide to the next. 90009 90008 Example: Here’s the story DealTap tells from slide 4 to 8: «Transactions are complicated» → «Expectations on all sides» → «Too many disconnected tools» → «Slow and error prone process» → «However, there’s an opportunity. 90009 90008 Why It Works: Stories with a clear beginning and end (or in this case, a «Before» and «After») trigger a trust hormone called Oxytocin.90009 90008 90003 Tactic # 2: 90004 If it’s hard to separate out one «Before» and «After» vision with your product or service because you offer many dissimilar benefits, consider a «This vs. That «theme for each. 90009 90008 Why It Works: It breaks up your points into simple decisions and sets you up to win emotional reactions from your audience with stock photos. 90009 90002 90003 Zuora 90004 90003 — How To Win Over Your Prospects By Feeding Them Dots 90004 90007 90008 Remember how satisfying it was to play connect the dots? Forming a bigger picture out of disconnected circles.90009 90008 That’s what you need to make your audience do. 90009 90008 Zuora tells a story by: 90009 90176 90177 Laying out the reality (the «Before» part of the Before-After-Bridge formula). 90178 90177 Asking you a question that you want to answer (the «After») 90178 90177 Giving you hints to help you connect the dots 90178 90177 Showing you the common thread (the «Bridge») 90178 90185 90008 You can achieve this by founding your sales presentation on your audience’s intuitions. Set them up with the closely-set «dots,» then let them make the connection.90009 90008 Here are more tactical sales presentation ideas to steal for your own use: 90009 90008 90003 Tactic # 1: 90004 Use logos 90039 and 90040 testimonial pull-quotes for your highest-profile customers to strengthen your sales presentation. 90009 90008 Example: Slides 21 to 23 include customer quotes from Schneider Electric, Financial Times, and Box. 90009 90008 Why It Works: It’s called social proof. Prospects value other people’s opinions and trust reputable sources more than you.90009 90008 90003 Tactic # 2: 90004 Pad your images with white space. 90009 90008 Example: Slide 17 includes two simple graphics on a white background to drive home an important concept. 90009 90008 Why It Works: White space creates separation, balance, and attracts the audience’s eyes to the main focus: your image. 90009 90008 90003 Tactic # 3: 90004 Incorporate hard data with a memorable background to make your data stand out. 90009 90008 Example: Slide 5 includes statistics with a backdrop that stands out.The number and exciting title ( ‘A Global Phenomenon’) are the main focuses of the slide. 90009 90008 Why It Works: Vivid backdrops are proven to be memorable and help your audience take away important numbers or data. 90009 90002 90003 LinkedIn Sales Navigator — How to Create Excitement With Color 90004 90007 90008 Psychology tells us that seeing colors can set our mood. 90009 90008 The color red is proven to increase the pulse and heart rate. Beyond that, it’s associated with being active, aggressive, and outspoken.LinkedIn Sales Navigator uses red on slides to draw attention to main points: 90009 90008 You can use hues in your own slides to guide your audience’s emotions. Green gives peace; grey adds a sense of calm; blue breeds trust. See more here. 90009 90008 90003 Tip: 90004 You can grab free photos from Creative Commons and then set them to black & white and add a colored filter on top using a (also free) tool like Canva. Here’s the sizing for your image: 90009 90008 Caveat: Check with your marketing team first to see if you have a specific color palette or brand guidelines to follow.90009 90008 Here are some other takeaways from LinkedIn’s sales presentation: 90009 90008 90003 Tactic # 1: 90004 Include one clear call-to-action on your final slide. 90009 90008 Example: Slide 9 has a «Learn More» CTA button. 90009 90008 Why It Works: According to the Paradox of Choice, the more options you give, the less likely they are to act. 90009 90008 90009.

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